The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine


The most comprehensive and practical guide available to the extraordinary healing powers of natural medicine. From the world-renowned naturopathic doctors and bestselling authors of The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods comes the authoritative third edition of the classic reference work, revised and expanded to include the latest cutting-edge natural therapies for the most common ailments. Michael Murray and [...]

The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine2012-08-16T17:51:41+02:00

Between Heaven and Earth


[custom_frame_left] [/custom_frame_left] Two of the foremost American educators and healers in the Chinese medical profession demystify Chinese medicine's centuries-odl approach to health. Combining Eastern traditions with Western sensibilities in a unique blend that is relevant today, BETWEEN HEAVEN AND EARTH opens the door to a vast storehouse of knowledge that bridges the gap between mind [...]

Between Heaven and Earth2012-08-16T18:10:21+02:00
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