FREE Detox Course
5 Weeks to a Full Body Detox
The body becomes a storage factory for substances from within and without the body when they remain unreleased. Toxins could be anything from cellular waste-products, air pollution, pesticides in foods, and chemicals in personal care products. The accumulation of toxicity takes its toll on vitality and eventually leads to a host of illnesses.
Give yourself a total-body tune-up with this 5 week detox program. You will be guided on how to increase the efficiency of each major organ system, helping you clean-out your body and leaving you feeling refreshed.
Instructors: Rehan Zaidi
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The Art of Traditional Healing Cuisine
Foods that Heal and Give You Deep Nutrition
In this short course, we’ll dispel the myths of the modern-day health diet and discuss why a return to traditional forms of cooking and eating can heal and nourish the body deeply. The premise is that the advice of these so called “Diet/Health Organizations”—what they tell us and, just as important, what they don’t tell us—is wrong. Not 100 percent wrong. There is a certain amount of truth in their pronouncements, enough to give them credibility, but not enough to save us from the sufferings of chronic disease.
Instructors: Mehded Maryam Sinclair
Primal Fitness
Foundations of Staying in Shape
In this short course, we’ll dispel the myths of the modern-day fitness techniques and discuss why a return to traditional forms of exercise and training can strengthen and grow the body.This method is progressive calisthenics-the art of using the human body to maximize its own development. In the past-before the second half of the twentieth century-all of the world’s strongest athletes earned the bulk of their power through performing calisthenics progressively-to become stronger.
Instructors: Coach Bill