How to Take a Holistic Approach to Mental Health


It is shocking really. In the past 10 years the use of antidepressant drugs has skyrocketed. Some researchers say that one in 10 American people are on an antidepressant. There's a lot of finger pointing to identify why this is happening, from our busy modern lives to television ads that promote the use of antidepressants [...]

How to Take a Holistic Approach to Mental Health2015-10-15T18:40:30+02:00

Emotional health in childhood ‘is the key to future happiness’


  Mick Jagger famously couldn’t get it, but now economists think they know what’s required to get some satisfaction. After investigating the factors in a person’s life that can best predict whether they will lead satisfied lives, a team headed by one of the UK’s foremost “happiness” experts, Professor Richard Layard, has come up with [...]

Emotional health in childhood ‘is the key to future happiness’2015-03-05T13:58:40+02:00
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