Practical tips about exercise and nutrition from which many people can benefit. It includes articles about weight-loss, supplements, recipes, and advice on what to–and not to–be consuming.

The Impending Tsunami of Millimeter Waves


MD Hussain Haider  ([email protected])   Currently about 9 billion devices, mostly cell phones, are connected to cellular networks worldwide (1). Growth in personal cellular connections is slowing, but overall growth of connected devices is set to explode: by 2025 industry analysts estimate 25 billion devices will be connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) and [...]

The Impending Tsunami of Millimeter Waves2020-02-21T19:09:47+02:00

Intermittent fasting could help tackle diabetes – here’s the science


Intermittent fasting is currently all the rage. But don’t be fooled: it’s much more than just the latest fad. Recent studies of this kind of fasting – with restricted eating part of the time, but not all of the time – have produced a number of successes, but the latest involving diabetes might be the [...]

Intermittent fasting could help tackle diabetes – here’s the science2017-08-23T11:04:49+02:00

How the Quran and Hadith tell us to keep physically healthy


In part 1, we discussed the high prevalence of cardiovascular disease as well as the interrelated scientific, spiritual and Islamic reasons for maintaining physical health. The question now arises: what practical steps can we take to optimise our physical health? The practical advice we have stemmed from three main sources; Allah (s.w.t.) through the Qur’an, the [...]

How the Quran and Hadith tell us to keep physically healthy2017-08-15T10:23:18+02:00

5 Signs And Symptoms Of Vitamin D Deficiency


If you often have allergies when you have milk products or if you avoid the sun, you may be at a risk of having a vitamin D deficiency. Besides weakening your immune system as well as your bones and muscles, low vitamin D levels can spell doom for your overall health, your healing ability, and [...]

5 Signs And Symptoms Of Vitamin D Deficiency2017-07-20T15:58:55+02:00

Food- A Balanced Approach-Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

2017-06-22T13:31:38+02:00 Taken from the Lamppost Education Initiative's "Ramadan Reflection" Series, Shaykh Hamza Yusuf begins his discussion with Dr Abdullah Ali on a section from Imam Ghazali's 'Arba'een. This discourse soon evolves into a look at our culture of consumption, eating, and dieting with host of helpful suggestions and thoughts from Shaykh Hamza. Please support [...]

Food- A Balanced Approach-Shaykh Hamza Yusuf2017-06-22T13:31:38+02:00

Scientists Have Proven That Negativity Literally Makes Cancer Grow Inside The Body


You surely experience negative emotions from time to time, but when you learn about their impact on our health, you will definitely try to find a way to combat them. Apparently, whenever you feel resentful, regretful, or replay some bad memories in the head, the body suffers equally to your mind. Therefore, focusing on such [...]

Scientists Have Proven That Negativity Literally Makes Cancer Grow Inside The Body2017-05-15T17:19:50+02:00

Neuroscience Reveals What Fasting Does To The Brain (And Why Big Pharma and the Food Industry Won’t Study It)


I came across this TEDx talk given my Mark Mattson, the current Chief of the Laboratory of Neuroscience at the National Institute on Aging. It presents some fascinating details about fasting and why it isn’t as popular as it should be. Countless research studies are showing its benefits. These studies have suggested that intermittent fasting [...]

Neuroscience Reveals What Fasting Does To The Brain (And Why Big Pharma and the Food Industry Won’t Study It)2017-04-21T15:18:57+02:00

Too much sugar causes Alzheimer’s: Unprecedented study reveals ‘tipping point’ link between blood glucose and brain disease


A diet high in sugar could lead to Alzheimer's, a new study has warned. Unprecedented research has revealed the 'tipping point' at which blood sugar levels become so dangerous they allow the neurological disease to take hold. Once levels pass the threshold, they restrict the performance of a vital protein, which normally fights the brain [...]

Too much sugar causes Alzheimer’s: Unprecedented study reveals ‘tipping point’ link between blood glucose and brain disease2017-03-01T11:23:28+02:00

How to Diagnose, Prevent and Treat Insulin Resistance [Infographic]


What You Need to Know about Sugar and Insulin Resistance In today’s post our fructose journey comes to a sweet conclusion, with answers to the questions that really matter: How much sugar is safe for you to eat? How much fructose and glucose is in your favorite foods, drinks, and sweeteners? How can you tell [...]

How to Diagnose, Prevent and Treat Insulin Resistance [Infographic]2016-09-26T09:18:41+02:00

Stop Feeding Kids These 5 Ingredients


Parents make hundreds of major and minor decisions every day for their children. What we choose to feed our kids falls into the 'major' decision category, but this often ends up being left up to ease and convenience. These convenience foods are loaded with a cocktail of chemicals. In small doses they may seem harmless, but they're cumulative [...]

Stop Feeding Kids These 5 Ingredients2016-09-24T10:46:19+02:00
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